John Mills Limited

Transforming SEO performance for JML

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London, UK

Services We Provided
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

The Client

JML are a worldwide company selling over 2,000 products to 50 countries. JML offers an array of products from ‘clever cookware and speedy-cleaning equipment to smart storage ideas and beauty hacks’.

The Brief

JML approached us with a brief of ensuring that the website was technically sound, ensuring search engines can crawl and index all of the valuable content. We began the project by having a full scrape of the site to ensure that it was best optimised for organic performance. The SEO team soon noticed that there were critical technical errors which were preventing Google and other search engines from crawling and indexing all content. JML had one key goal and that was to drive more users to the site, which will ultimately lead to an increase in revenue.

The Solution

When the SEO team performed a full site audit, they soon uncovered areas for improvement, which were critical for SEO performance. Some of the biggest issues negatively impacting the performance were: - Thousands of internal links to 404s - Internal links going via a redirect eating into valuable crawl budget - Incorrect hreflang references affecting site indexing - Lack of high-quality content throughout the blog section - Keyword targeting was too broad across both PLPs and PDPs - Minimal content quality in PLP descriptions negatively affecting conversion rates

The Results

The results of these efforts and optimisations were significant. From February 1st to May 15th, JML saw a 3.7% increase in non-branded clicks MoM, totalling to 44,184. Impressions also increased by 12.5%, reaching 4.3 million within the same period MoM. In April alone, organic sessions surged by 14.6% MoM, with 31,000 new users visiting the site—a notable 11.6% increase month-over-month. Organic revenue saw a substantial 24.5% increase during the same period, and has continued to grow since beginning the strategy.


Further optimisations in April yielded impressive outcomes. Non-branded performance saw a 13.9% increase in clicks month-over-month and an 11.1% increase year-over-year. Notably, specific product optimisations following a keyword mapping project led to remarkable growth in sessions and revenue. For instance, the “Paint Racer Pro Mess-Free Portable Refillable Roller Painting System” experienced a 95.9% increase in sessions and a 121.5% increase in revenue month-over-month. Similarly, the “Hydroblast Cordless High-Pressure Jet Washer” saw a 352.6% increase in sessions and a 221.4% increase in revenue. The “Starlyf Telescopic Hydrocleaner” also saw positive growth, with a 13% increase in sessions and a 26.4% increase in revenue.

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AYKO’s commitment to SEO optimisation and strategic enhancements has not only driven increased traffic and revenue but also improved overall site performance. By focusing on key areas of improvement and implementing targeted strategies, AYKO has successfully transformed JML’s SEO landscape, setting the stage for continued growth and success.


Increase In Organic Revenue MoM


Increase In New Users


Increase In Organic Sessions

Looking to transform your SEO strategy?

If you’re looking for ways to supercharge your SEO, Contact us today

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